The Amazing Spider-Man 2: Marc Webb will direct

Speculation that prior commitments might hold Webb back from the sequel is squashed

Since The Amazing Spider-Man proved that a reboot only 10-years after the original wasn’t complete madness, there’s been buzz of a sequel. However, since director Marc Webb is tied up in a directing deal with 20th Century Fox, it was unclear whether he’d be able to return.

Now Columbia Pictures has confirmed that Webb will be back to spin more stories, along with Andrew Garfield as Spider-Man. Emma Stone is reportedly “in talks” to return as Gwen Stacy.

The official statement from Columbia Pictures president Doug Belgrad says:

“We could not be more confident in the direction we are taking this new Spider-Man storyline and we are tremendously excited to be ramping up production again with Marc at the helm and Andrew continuing on as Peter Parker. We can’t wait to share what we have in store for Peter and Spider-Man with audiences worldwide.”

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 will hit cinemas 2 May 2014.