Snow White And The Huntsman spooky new video

Twilight’s Kristen Stewart lost in some creepy woods in this new video from Snow White And The Huntsman, the movie is in cinemas 1 June 2012

Snow White And The Huntsman new clip
Snow White And The Huntsman new clip
Kristen Stewart, Charlize Theron and Chris Hemsworth star in Snow White And The Huntsman

It’s almost a nod to Disney’s 1937 animated Snow White And The Seven Dwarfs, as Kirsten Stewart stumbles, terrified through an incredibly creepy forest, trees reaching out to grab her… brrrr!

Snow White And The Huntsman, starring Twilight‘s Kristen Stewart, Avengers Assembles Chris Hemsworth and Prometheus‘ Charlize Theron may have been briefly overshadowed by superhero mania (this week saw the release of Avengers Assemble, as well as trailers for The Amazing Spider-Man and The Dark Knight Rises, after all!), but it’s looking damn good.