Karen Gillan: "Death is an option for Amy Pond" - SciFiNow

Karen Gillan: “Death is an option for Amy Pond”

The Doctor’s companion’s days are numbered…

“Death would be an option,” actress Karen Gillan said in an interview with the Mirror, “I don’t want Amy to pop up again every so often, because for me it would take away from the big, emotional goodbye. Once she’s gone, she’s gone, I want people to remember the Amy Pond era as a good one.”

Then, speaking with Graham Norton on his Radio 2 show , the Doctor Who starlet said “I don’t really know what’s going on, to be honest. … The time is going to come when Amy and Rory have to leave. It’s inevitable… I will welcome the new companion with open arms. But I don’t know what kind of companion he’d have next.”

She added that she won’t reveal when she will be leaving, as the decision is left with her, “I can’t really answer that. … I think it’s important to go on to other things and establish myself in other ways. But I can’t really answer that, because it is partly up to my own devices when I go, so I don’t want to give it away.”

What do you guys think? Is it time for Amy and Rory to go? And how should they leave the show?