Captain America Civil War spoilers: Marvel icon drops off the cast - SciFiNow

Captain America Civil War spoilers: Marvel icon drops off the cast

Captain America Civil War cast confirms the absence of the Avengers assembler

Avengers Assemble Nick Fury
Samuel L Jackson has confirmed that he won’t be showing up in Captain America: Civil War

It may seem like near-enough every member of the Marvel Cinematic Universe will pop up in Captain America: Civil War at some point, but it has been confirmed that one character WILL NOT be showing up in the third Captain America movie: Samuel L Jackson’s Nick Fury.

Speaking to Collider, Jackson said, “I’m not in Captain America 3. I can’t figure that out, but I’m not. I guess I’m still out there, trying to figure out what happened to SHIELD and who these other people are.”

It seems odd, especially considering the ending of Avengers: Age Of Ultron, in which Fury seemed to be a prominent part of the setup at the new Avengers Warehouse (as we’ve decided to call it). Still, we can’t imagine them abandoning the character forever; he still has two films left on in his initial nine-film contract, and would love to re-negotiate his contract for more.

“Of course [I’m interested in returning]! I’m looking for a contract extension right now, yeah. I’m looking to re-up.”

Captain America: Civil War will be released in cinemas on 29 April 2016. Pick up the SciFiNow Superhero Movie Collection now.